August video GUESS THE SONG night | Thursday 27th August 7:00pm

A place for the South Coast (Hampshire, IOW, lower Wiltshire) region.

Moderator: mgfSussex

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August video GUESS THE SONG night | Thursday 27th August 7:00pm

Post by mgfSussex » Thu Aug 13, 2020 8:36 pm

As agreed at our last Zoom meeting we will be holding a Guess The Song competition when we meet on Zoom at 7:00pm on Thursday 27th August.

All the songs are either car or driving related, and are well known chart hits. If you've ever listened to a radio in the last 60 years you will definitely know most if not all of them !

Participants will score 1 point for each song title correctly identified, and 1 bonus point for naming the artist. Could it be any easier ?

To take part in this competition you will need to download and print a copy of the quiz sheet attached to this post. Please have a pen to hand to fill in the clues. Participants will take turns at guessing the letters and words to fill in the blanks which make up each song title.

To join us simply click on the following link at 7:00pm on 27th August and follow the easy instructions to download the Zoom launcher file.

EVERYONE is invited. However if you're having any difficulty taking part do let me know.

See you there.

Kind regards
27 Aug MGF Guess The Song.pdf
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Re: August video GUESS THE SONG night | Thursday 27th August 7:00pm

Post by mgfSussex » Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:58 pm

Thank you to all of you who took part in tonight's fun competition. The scores at the end of the night were as follows;

18 Pete T
17 John W
12 Team Morgan
2 Charles S
0 Chris W

...all of which just goes to prove that if given the opportunity to cheat, 3 out of 5 people will choose to do so !!!

I am therefore declaring Chris the undisputed winner of tonight's test ! Well done Chris.


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