Trip from a few month's Back

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Trip from a few month's Back

Post by 924Rothmans » Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:15 pm

Diary of a Quality Engineer.
This morning I had to visit Mini plant in oxford, always a fun drive as you never know what you’re going to come across ( This time was more amusing than normal )
On driving back to base the a43 past Silverstone was blocked, just as I manoeuvred round one of the roundabouts onto the by-pass I see its completely blocked, just before I hit the back of the que I see a single track road to the left, I think it’s got to be better than sitting in a que so off I go.
After about five minutes I go through a tiny village that looks like it’s in a time warp and hasn’t caught up to 2012 yet, I then come back to the a43 right were the accident has happened and I pull up behind one milk van and a truck, were all blocked be ambulances and fire engines.
The milk van starts to turn around and as he passes I gesture to him and he stops next to my car, he’s a middle aged man around 50 to 60 I guess and I ask is it completely blocked, he replies yes no way through there then he asks were am I going, I reply and tell him I am heading to the M1 north,
He looks at me and then says turn your car around and follow me and I will show you the way, I quickly replied great and spin round and off we go.
As we head off I see his van is quite old and a bit tired but off we go heading back through time warp village and then he pulls of down a single track lane, I follow and at this point you start to think!
1st point, hmm this Honda civic sport really has stiff suspension and the 17 inch low profile tyres feel every pebble starting from 1mm radius up?
2nd point I am following a complete stranger down a single track lane?
3rd point have you ever seen the movie Wrong Turn? Am I about to be eaten by the milk man’s inbred family and never to return?
4th point am I about to be beaten to pulp with a pint bottle and glassed with the stump.
5th point am I about to be butt raped as he delivers his creamy load?
Oh well I am well and truly lost and screwed now so on I go for what seems like a good 10 minutes.
Finally the milk van starts to approach what looks like a main road T junction, as we get closer his arm pops out to the side and gestures me to slow down and stop.
This is it I slow down and pull up behind making sure I leave a gap to pull out and get past if need be,
He gets out and walks towards the car, I leave it in gear clutch down one foot on the pedal, one hand on the gear lever the other on the wheel, my window is already down.
He approaches looks at me and smiles and says turn right and follow the road and it will lead you to the M1 north, I look at him smile and say thank you and shake his hand.
He then turns round and gets in his milk van, starts it up then turns left and disappears round the corner, I sit there for a minute then turn right and head off down the road and sure enough 5 minutes later I am back at the M1 heading north.
Anything could have happened but my faith has been restored in the human race, Driving you get cut up or some arshole is always trying to have sex with your back bumper but as for the milk man he is now the hero of the roads that is willing to help a stranger lost in a strange land, Thank you mister milk man and may you deliver your fresh creamy white load on time and safely.
Cheers 924Rothmans

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Re: Trip from a few month's Back

Post by talkingcars » Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:55 pm

There still a few nice guys left.
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