Intermittent Alarm Issue
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Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:31 pm
MGF Register Region: Devon & Cornwall
Model of Car: MGF 1.8 (1999)
Location: Liskeard Cornwall

Intermittent Alarm Issue

Post by Uncletone » Tue May 05, 2015 8:25 pm

Quite a few weeks ago, and I mean quite a few weeks ago, early January in fact, the "F" for no apparent reason suddenly decided to throw a wobbly and set its alarm off.

As with all these things it went off in the early hours of the morning. Fortunately living on the edge of Bodmin Moor the only thing that it disturbed was the local sheep and ponies.

Anyway, this went on for a few weeks, sometimes it would go off after a couple of hours and other times wouldn't go off for days. So after consulting the forums I started with the basic alarm check going thro all the sequence hoping that it would highlight the problem area. No such luck all entry / exit points registered OK.

After stripping down the wiring loom in the boot, to check for broken wires, it seems someone had been there before, no problems there them all present and correct and a tidy job too, thank you.Next was to disconnect the bonnet light and try that, sure enough the alarm didn't go off, so stripping the switch down I cleaned it up and reassembled it then put the bulb in, locked the car and went to bed. Early hours of the morning, the alarm went off. OK unlocked the car went back to bed. Next took out the bulb, but again within a couple of hours the alarm went off. Right, same procedure with the rear boot light still no joy.

Next I wondered if the radio was putting a drain on the battery causing it to go off, so I removed that, by the way I started locking the car with the key to ensure it wasn't the internal sensor, but this didn't come to anything.

During this time I was thinking it might be a battery issue and it might not be holding its charge, so when the car was idle for a few days I put it on charge using my Ctek Battery Charger/Conditioner, but even with this connected the alarm would go off.

One can imagine that one was starting to get a little peeved with it by now, not to mention the looks one was getting from those that like their beauty sleep!!.

Thoughts of going for a drive onto the Moor with a gallon of petrol and a match now became a distinct possibility. Then I struck gold, as I was disconnecting the battery charger, I went round to the passenger side for something and I just happened to catch the passenger door locking button whist the door was open and all of a sudden I heard it. That unmistakable sound of the faulty door lock, rat a tat tat.

I've never heard it before and yet I've checked and double checked. I replaced the drivers door lock in September last year but the passenger one was fine at the time.

Anyway Martin Smith lightened my wallet and duly sent a replacement. After 45 mins of stripping down, replacing and putting the tools away, yes its that easy, I locked the car and went away. Three days later and the wild life not to mention the wife are now sleeping soundly.

The moral of the tale, even when it seems that everything is working, one thing must not be, and its just a question of persevering. Even after 4 months, as in my case, it will eventually manifest itself, one must be patient.

Thank goodness petrol is expensive, and more than the cars worth, or it would be a burnt out wreck by now.
MGCC & MGF Member

It Only Breaks When I Mend It
Built By Martin Smith (MGTF Spares Somerset)

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